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After North Carolina passed a law requiring people to use public restrooms according to the gender with which they were born, several businesses and entertainers changed their plans about doing business in that state.

Gov. Pat McRory recently appeared on FOX News with Megyn Kelly to defend the law, saying it protects girls from potential harm by preventing pedophiles from disguising themselves to get into female washrooms, according to a story at He also criticized companies like PayPal who nixed plans to expand operations in North Carolina because they do business in the Middle East where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death in some countries.

Here in Wisconsin, Rep. Jess Kramer, R-Kewaskum, told FOX 6 Now that despite legislation failing earlier this year requiring schools to mandate the same rule, he’d like to see a law passed similar to the one in North Carolina, using an argument similar to that of McRory’s.

Should Wisconsin Have a Gender Bathroom Law?
I’m not sure