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A 32-year-old Franksville man was charged with attempted homicide after he allegedly physically assaulted his mother Friday in the Village of Caledonia.

Richard P. Ehmcke is charged with felony counts of strangulation, mayhem, aggravated battery against an elderly person and attempted first-degree intentional homicide. The charges carry a maximum fine of $120,000 and 112 years in prison.

Ehmcke made his initial appearance Monday afternoon in Racine County Circuit Court.

According to the criminal complaint:

Police responded to Ascension-All Saints Hospital and met with the victim, who drove herself there after she had fled her residence because she was “viciously assaulted” by her adult son. The victim received several stitches to close an injury on the outside of her lip.

The woman told police her son has a long history of mental illness and has received treatment at a number of facilities. Ehmcke lives at the woman’s residence with his girlfriend.

Ehmcke allegedly became angry with his mother Friday morning, threw
her against the door, grabbed her throat and yelled, “You’re the
devil, I’m going to kill you.” He then hit her in the mouth before she
was able to flee the residence.

In addition to the laceration, police observed a bruise under her
right eye and scratches on both sides of her mouth.

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Denise Lockwood has an extensive background in traditional and non-traditional media. She has written for, the Milwaukee Business Journal, Milwaukee Magazine and the Kenosha News.