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Under a proposed change in the 2015 municipal budget, the Sturtevant Department of Public Works will be led by a combination director and professional engineer.

Current DPW Director Chuck Stachowski was informed of the change last week and was given the choice of either accepting a severance package now or continue working through the end of the year. He has 21 days to make his decision.

Village Administrator/Clerk Mary Cole said the change was proposes because village is spending a lot of money on engineering fees, and the change will help save tens of thousands of dollars.

“We have been spending more on engineering fees so combining a public works director with an engineer will save us about $30,000 a year,” she said. “We wanted to present the severance package so (Chuck) can have the opportunity to seek other employment if that’s what he chooses.”

The change is not a reflection on Stachowski’s service to the village, President Steve Jansen said. Instead, this is about saving money for village taxpayers while still delivering the services residents need.

“More municipalities are moving to a dual role so, really, this is a move forward into the future,” he said. “This absolutely has nothing to do with the job Chuck has done for Sturtevant. This is about being as prudent as possible because everyone knows the budget constraints we have.”

Cole anticipates posting for the position in the next couple of weeks. Interested applicants will need to have an engineering degree.

Stachowski has been with the village for about ten years after working in Kenosha. He’s also a colonel in the U.S. Army who remains active in the reserves.

He was not available for comment so we will update this story when we speak with him.